Release 5.3.0
New series started!
(since 02/21/98)
Go to Japanese
Welcome to
The Photo Album
of Wildflowers.
This home page is
my photo collection
of wildflowers
I met in nature
fields and forests.
Please see and
enjoy them.
Impressive Flowers in Kansai (11/01/04) My impressive wildflowers in Kansai area. Wildflowers in Vladivostok (10/01/04) Wildflowers blooming in Vladivostok, Rossiya. Wildflowers in North Osaka (09/09/04) Wildflowers blooming in North Osaka area. The Flower Album (07/10/04) You can find many flowers not noticing yet. Informations (12/30/99) Self Introduction, Data of pictures. Links (12/30/98) Go to linked pages. < Notice >
The "Impressive Flowers in Kansai" has been released! But, only the first half.
The second half of it will be released in a month. (I hope)
In this new serise, I tried to add a small comment of each photo.
Thank you very much for visiting to my home page. I hope you enjoy it.
The homepage address has been changed.
Mail address:
This page is link free, but let me know when you link here.
I'm sorry, there are only pictures and names of flowers in English pages, but
explanations and essays are in Japanese pages.
UCHIDA, Hironobu